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A True History Of several Honourable Families of the Right Honourable Name of Scot

In the Shires of Roxburgh and Selkirk, and others adjacent. Gathered out of Ancient Chronicles, Histories, and Traditions of our Fathers. By Capt. Walter Scot, An old Souldier, and no Scholler, And one that can Write nane, But just the Letters of his Name

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Dedicated to that worthy and valiant Souldier, Captain James Scot,

a Brigadier in his Majesties most Honourable Life-guard, son to Walter Scot of Tushilaw, who was son to Robert Scot of Tushilaw, who was son to Sir Walter Scot of Tushilaw, who was son to Robert Scot of Tushilaw, who was son to Adam Scot of Tushilaw.

Whose former Genealogie is already spoken,
The Fable of the Golden Fleece began,


Because Sheep did yeeld such store of Gold to Men,
For he that hath great store of VVoolly Fleeces,
May when he pleases, have store of Golden Pieces;
Honest James Scot of Sheils-wood,
Whose like there is not many,
Whose love and piety doth feed and help so many;
It is no doubt, but these good deeds of his,
Will help to lift his Soul to endless bless.
Of his Genealogie I will speak no more,
Because his Brother Grass-yards is set down before;
I hope Jasons Fleece shall never from him flee,
Because he is inclin'd to Hospitality.