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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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SONG. Written for the Late Duke of Gloucester's BIRTH-DAY.


While Venus in her Snowy Arms
The God of Battles held,
And sooth'd him with her tender Charms,
Victorious from the Field;
By chance She cast a Lovely Smile,
Propitious, down to Earth,
And view'd in Britain's Happy Isle
Great Gloucester's Glorious Birth.


Look, Mars, She said; look down, and see
A Child of Royal Race!
Let's crown the Bright Nativity
With ev'ry Princely Grace:


Thy Heav'nly Image let him bear,
And shine a Mars below;
Form You his Mind to warlike Care,
I'll softer Gifts bestow.


Thus at his Birth Two Deities
Their Blessings did impart;
And Love was breath'd into his Eyes,
And Glory form'd his Heart.
His Childhood makes of War a Game;
Betimes his Beauty charms
The Fair; who burn with equal Flame
For Him, as He for Arms.