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[Faith! tell me, Chloris pry'thee do!]


Faith! tell me, Chloris pry'thee do!
(I'le do as much, for thee,)


Why? when I would, thou, still, say'st No?
Thou wilt, and yet, thou wilt not too.
Thou Lov'st the sport, I'me sure, if thou'lt be
Forward, as I, th'art like t'have none, for me.


Consider't (little Fool!) be wise!
I know the subtilty:
That which you, now so highly prize,
When, out oth' humour, I dispise.
'Tis meerly dulness? and vain foppery?
If, th'ast a mind to't speak or faith not I.


And, why not, this, at first, as last?
I knew thy mind was to't:
No reason, still, to pray, and fast:
Pin'd Love, must feast, when that is past.
Come! Come! be wiser 'gainst anothers suit!
And ne're make many words! but pry' thee Doe't!