University of Virginia Library

The .xxxiij. Psalme.

Reioyce ye iust men in ye Lord, prayse doeth good men beseme:
Prayse ye the Lord wyth harppe & lute, play on ten strynges to hym.
Synge a newe songe, synge swete musick wyth blowynge of trumpet:
For the worde of the Lorde is ryght, and all hys worckes sure set.
He loueth iustice & iudgment, these thynges please hym greatly:
And the earth is replenished, and full of hys mercie.
At his worde were the heauens made by hys wonderfull myght:
And at the breathynge of hys mouth, all theyr armies so bryght.
The waters of the sea he doeth, congregate as an heape:

Right so in moste secrete closettes, he doeth laye vp the deape.
Let all the earth and all that dwell in the worlde prayse the Lorde:
Because all that he sayeth is done, all is made at hys worde.
He disapoynteth the counselles of ye Heathen ech one:
And doeth differ the subtyle thoughtes, of ech greate nation.
But the Lordes counsell standeth styll, & the thoughtes of hys herte:
Do not decay but are fully fulfylled in eche parte.
The people that hath the Lorde for theyr God hath ryght good chaunce:
So hath the flocke that he hath chose for his enheritaunce.
The Lorde loketh downe from heauen, & doeth all men behold:
He loketh downe from his dwellynge boeth vpon yonge and olde.
He hath made the hertes of all men togyther in hys powre:
And vnderstandeth all theyr worckes, euerie daye and houre.
The kynge is not kept in saulftie, thorowe hys greate armye:
Nor the strong man doeth scape daynger, because he is myghtye.

The horse is a disceytfull thynge to be preserued by:
Though he be stronge, for he shall not deliuer certaynely.
Beholde the Lordes eye loketh on such mē as do him feare:
So doeth it on suche as trust on hys mercye so tender.
That he might delyuer their soules, out of the handes of death:
And nouryshe them at suche time, as honger them oppresseth.
Let oure soules (therfore) loke for him with all obedience:
For he is oure helpe, and also the shylde of our defence.
For in him shall our herte reioyce, because we do cleaue faste:
Vnto hys holy name, whiche is our comforte and repaste.
Lorde, let thy mercyful goodnes vpon thy seruauntes be:
Euen as by truste and confydence we do depende of the.