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Ȝute deuelen efte him nome & to þe þridde ueld him drowe
Þer he sei ek in strong torment wrecche gostes inowe
Isprad to þe eorþe al abrod & ismite þoru out echon
Wiþ as þicke nailes in eche stude as þer miȝte stike on
Þat me ne ssolde vinde an amte place in al hore bodi so lite
Þat me miȝte for þicke nailes a vingres ende þoru pute
A smart wind ek to oþer wo on hom bleu wel faste
Þat hom þoȝte hi forbrende þoru out wiþ eche blaste
Þe deuelen orne also aboute fram ech to oþer inowe
And hore wrecche fleiss wiþ houles todrowe


Þis wrecche gostes so were ipined & in such torment ibroȝt
Rulich cride as hy miȝte ac vnneþe me hurde hom oȝt
For hy were so clene ouercome þat hy miȝte vnneþe
Bringe eny uois bote as a man vpe þe point of deþe
Al in þe þrote hy cride as hore strengþe were binome
Mid þe muche pine as nas no wonder þei hi were ouercome
Þe deuelen nome þis sely kniȝt an[d] to gronde him caste
And swore bote he turnde is þoȝt among hom to naili vaste
Ac he cride on Iesu Crist and nemnede is holy name
And þe deuelen nadde no poer to do him namore ssame