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The complete works of John Lyly

now for the first time collected and edited from the earliest quartos with life, bibliography, essays, notes and index by R. Warwick Bond

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The Song.

[Hearbes, wordes, and stones, all maladies haue cured]

Hearbes , wordes, and stones, all maladies haue cured,
Hearbes, wordes, and stones, I vsed when I loued.
Hearbes smels, words, winde, stones hardnes haue procured;
By stones, nor wordes, nor hearbes her minde was moued.
I askt the cause: this was a womans reason,
Mongst hearbes are weedes, and thereby are refused;
Deceite, as well as truth, speakes wordes in season,
False stones by foiles haue many one abused.
I sight, and then shee saide my fancie smoaked;
I gaz'd, shee saide my lookes were follies glauncing;


I sounded deade, shee saide my loue was choaked;
I started vp, shee saide my thoughtes were dauncing.
O, sacred loue! if thou haue any Godhead,
Teach other rules to winne a maidenheade.