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A Hyve Fvll of Hunnye

Contayning the Firste Booke of Moses, called Genesis. Tvrned into English Meetre, by VViliam Hunnis

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[Cap. 28.]

The Contentes of the XXVIII. Chapiter.

Iacob is sent to haue a wyfe,
to Laban, Vncle his:
And Esau eke a wyfe doth take,
an Ismaelite that is.
How Iacob Dreames and makes a vowe,
the tenth of all to giue.,


How Iesus Christe is promised,
by whom wee all do liue.


Then Isaac for Iacob cal'de,
hee blessed him, and sayd:
I charge thee take no Wyfe of these
where wee thus longe haue stayd.


But rise and get thee to the house
of Bethuel, Graundsyre thine,
Who Father to thy Mother is,
and louinge Wyfe of mine.


And there amonge the Daughters such,
of Laban, Bethuels Sonne:
Thou shalt a wife from thence chose out,
as I tofore haue donne.


And God Almighty do the blesse,
and make the great to grow,
And multiply thy Seede on Earth,
so mighty for to showe:


That Multitudes of People maye
springe forth, and growe by thee,
And blessinge geue of Abraham,
with thee and thine to bee.


And that thou maist the Land possesse,
a straunger where thou art,
Which God hath geuen to Abraham,
so Iacob did depart:


And to Mesopotamia,
to Bethuels sonne he went:
And did performe his Fathers hest
in euery thinge hee ment.


When Esau sawe that Isaac
had Brother Iacob blest,
And to Mesopotamia
howe hee was redy prest:



And how that as he blessed him,
he gaue him charge also
To take no woman vnto wife
of Canaan to know.


But that he should a wife fetche thence
from whence his mother came,
And saw his father liked not,
the Seede of Canaan.


He also went to Ismael
and daughter his did take
And to those wiues he then possest,
a wife of her did make.


As Iacob went to Haran ward
a place he chaunced on,
Where as he taried al the night
because the sunne was gone:


And of that place a stone he toke
vnder his head to set,
And layd him downe, his head theron,
and thus a while he slept.


And in the same, behold be dreamd,
a Ladder longe to see:
That stode on Earth, the toppe wherof
to Heauen did seme to be.


Upon the same went vp and downe
Gods Angelles, in his sight.
And God vpon the Ladder stode
wyth Countnaunce shininge bright,


Which said: I am the Lord, and God
of Abraham that's past,
Likewise the God of Isaac:
that euermore shal last.


The Land where on thou sleepest now
I will gyue vnto thee,


And to thy sede that's yet to come
which after thee shalbe.


And as the Dust vpon the Earth
thy Seede so wil I make:
For multitude (vnspeakable)
this wil I for thy sake.


And thou shalt spred abrode on Earth
alonge vnto the West,
And to the East, the North and Southe,
as I haue the exprest.
And thorow thee and seede of thee
all Kinredes shalbe blest.


Behold and see I am wyth the
and wil the kepe also
In euery place where thou shalt passe,
or where thy feete shal goe.


And backe againe vnto this Land
I wyl thee safely bring:
And wil performe what I haue said
to thee in eu'ry thing.


When Iacob from his sleepe awoke
wyth heauy chere and sad,
The Lord (sayd he) is in this place
and I no knowledge had.


Afraid he was, and therefore said
how fearefull is this place?
It is I see, of God the house
of Heauen the gate to passe.


So Iacob earely in the morne
stode vp and toke the stone
Which he had layd, vnder his head
to make a pillow on.


And pitched it vpon an ende,
and as the Text doth tel.


Hee powred Oyle on top thereof,
and nam'd the place Bethell:


Which Luz before that time was cal'de.
and Iacob vowd a vowe:
If God, sayd he will be with mee
in this my iourney now;


And wil me keepe and geue me breade,
and clothes to couer me:
So that vnto my fathers house,
I come agayne may bee.


Then sure the Lord shalbe my God;
and this same Stone you see,
Which I haue set vpon an ende
the house of God shalbe.


And also will of euery thinge,
that thou to me shalt giue
The tenth thereof, geue thee againe,
all dayes that I shall liue.