University of Virginia Library

Nathalack, 30th King,

Rang the Yeer of Christ 242, fra the begining of the Kingdome 572, and Rang 11 Yeers.

A cruell King, be Craft and be Constrent
(Nought of the Blood) unto the Kingdome claime:
And got in Schoe his Senators Consent
Who in thair Hearts did disallow the same:
For they his Platts and Policie suspect,
The whilk in Fine they fand into Effect.
IN monstruous Sins, without all Faith he fell,
To Witches then and Sorcerers he send,
Who could be Cunning (as he took it) tell
How both his Life and Regiment should End:
He should be slaine, they to his Servand schew,
And be the same it after tryed Trew.