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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Of mercy ȝit he passis all]
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[Of mercy ȝit he passis all]

Of mercy ȝit he passis all,
In quhome I traist and euer sall
For to nane vther will I call,
To die thairfoir, to die thairfoir.
For thair is nane vther Saluatioun
Bot be that Lord that sufferit Passioun,
Upon our Saulis he hes compassioun
And deit thairfoir, and deit thairfoir.
That Lord sa far had vs in mynde
He come from heuin and tuke mankynde
He haillit the seik, sair, lamit and blinde
And deit thairfoir, and deit thairfoir.
To pray to Peter, Iames or Iohne,
Our Saullis to saif power haue thay none.
For that belangis to Christ allone,
He deit thairfoir, he deit thairfoir.
I Traist to God of suretie,
Be Christis blude, saint to be,
In quhilk I hope sa faithfullie.
To die thairfoir, to die thairfoir.
Thair is na deidis, that can saue me,
Thocht they be neuer sa grit plentie,
Bot throw Christ and his grit mercy,
Quhilk deit thairfoir, quhilk deit thairfoir,


Gif deidis micht saue our Saulis from paine
Then Christis blude was sched in vaine,
As ȝe may reid in Scripture plaine
To die thairfoir, to die thairfoir.
Ȝit sum hes hope, sauit to be
For doing deidis of Cheritie
Faith can not saue, quhair na deidis be,
Thay lie thairfoir, thay lie thairfoir.
The theif was saift be faith trewlie,
And not for deidis of Cheritie
As wrytis Luk, twentie and thre
To die thairfoir, to die thairfoir.
Fyre without heit cannot be,
Faith will haue warkis of suretie,
Als fast as may conuenientlie
Be done, but moir.
Now Lord that deit vpon ane tre,
And sched thy blude sa plenteouslie
Ressaue our Saullis to thy gloir
We ask no moir, we ask no moir.