University of Virginia Library



Long lyf and welth vith veilfair and great gloir
Be to thy Peirles Person euirmoir,
Perfyt precelling puissant prudent Prence,
Quhois manlie maners dois Thy mycht decoir,
Obtening praise be pruifis past befoir
Of monie storms apaist be thy Prudence.
Ground the on God Quho suir is thy defence,
And he but dout Ȝour harts desyre sall send,
My lyf in pledge, or this ȝeir cum till end.
The lawrer croune of glorie Infeneit
And palme victorius vith hich praise repleit
Thy diademe for euir sall auance.
Possessor suir of Alexanders spreit,
Thy monarchie throch all this vorld sall fleit,
And God vith grace sall gyd thy Guuernance
Cair till ourcum And all contrarius chance.
Thy fois sall fall And thow triumphand ring,
for new ȝeirs gift, O maist magnanime king.
I haife no Perle, Nor Royale pretious stone,
Nor gift of gould, meit for thy maiestie,
Except ane treuthfull luifing hart alone,
Quhilk sall ȝow serwe maist faythfull till I die.
Thocht mycht be small, Guidwill sall last vith me
Auance the one, The vther sall pretend
In ampill pruife apertlie to be kend
Vith Indeuoir moir feruent thane I dyt:
In sing this thing tak as the vidows myt.