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The poems of John Audelay

Edited with introduction, notes and glossary [by Ella Keats Whiting]

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De septem opera misericordie.

Wele is him and wele schal be,
Þat doþ þe vij werkis of merce.
Fede þe hungere; þe þirste ȝif drenke;
Cloþe þe nakid, as Y ȝoue say;
Vesid þe pore in presun lyyng;
Bere þe ded, now I þe pray;
I cownsel þe.
Herber þe pore þat goþ be þe way;
Teche þe vnwyse of þi conyng;
Do þese dedis nyȝt and day,
Þi soule to heuen hit wil þe bryng;
I cownsel þe.
And euer haue pete on þe pore,
And part with him þat God þe send;
Þou hast no noþer tresoure,
Aȝayns þe day of iugement;
I cownsel þe.
Þe pore schul be mad domusmen,
Opon þe ryche at domysday;
Loke houe þai con onswere þen,
Fore al here reuerens, here ryal aray;
I cownsel þe.
In hongyr, in þurst, in myschif, wellay,
After here almus ay waytyng,
Þay wold noȝt vs vesete nyȝt ne day;
Þus wil þai playn ham to heuen kyng;
I cownsel þe.