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With other Poemes. By M. LL. St [i.e.Martin Lluelyn]

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One and twentieth Miracle.

These kinde of wonders here had slept,
But in by chance another crept.
Just as I meant to say no more,
Came Bohem out of Diodore,
Who much protests he tels ye no lye,
From those in Island Jamboli.
There the inhabitants (quoth he)
Are bulke and manners much like we,


Shape same, but height it is encreas'd
'Bove ours foure Cubits at the least.
Their bone (to say he doth not swerve)
Is just as supple as our Nerve.
And hence like Trees, before, behind,
They bend and yeild to Aire and wind,
Quicke joints, and all about smooth skin,
No haire appeares above their Chin.
But greatest wonder that hath sprung,
Is that of this strange Nations Tongue.
Which parted is to all mens view,
And from the Root compleatly two.
By which they have not onely force,
To use a Numerous discourse;
But seeme at once ('tis wondrous pretty)
Like severall Birds, and sing their Ditty.
But that's not all, they will agen
Debate and argue with two men;
And at one instant they can fly,
To urge their owne sence, and Reply,
This part conferres with one, while t'other,
Is warme and earnest with another.