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Newe Sonets

and pretie Pamphlets. Written by Thomas Howell. Newly augmented, corrected and amended

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The lamentable ende of Iulia, Pompeyes vvife.

Sore plungde in piteous paines and wofull smarte,
Bespred with trickling teares, on death like face,
Downe trils the droppes on cheekes, and sighes from harte:
To heare and see hir husbandes greeuous case,
Thus goes the spouse O wofull Iulia,
Besprent with bloud, when Pompeis cote she saw.
Downe dead she faules, in lamentable sounde,
Of sence bereft, so great was Iulis straine:
The childe conceiued within, with deadly wounde,
Untimely fruite came forth with proching paine,
When all was doone, for loue hir life she lost,
For Pompeyes sake she yeelded vp hir gost.
So dead she lay bewaylde with many teares,
A Matron wise, a famous ornament,
O Cesar had liued full cherefull yeares,
If thou with Pompey couldst haue ben content,
But Ciuell warres, hath wrought this fatall lawe,
To Pompeye death and death to Iulia.
Ye Matrones graue, and worthy spoused mates,
Ye mayden Nymphes, whiche liue in larger partes,
O reade and see vewe not and iudge of states:
And folow eke such faithfulnesse of harts,
Such liuely loue embrace, saith vertue graue,
As Iulie true for mate hir life she gaue.