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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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The Harte absent.

Swete muse tell me,
wher is my hart becom.
For well I feele,
it is from hence a way,
My Sences all,
doth sorrow so benumme:
That absent thus,
I can not lyue a Day.
I know for troth,
there is a specyall Place.
Wher as it most,
desyreth for to bee:
For Oft it leaues,
me thus in Dolfull case,
And hether cōmes,
at length a gayne to me?
Woldest thou so fayne,
be tolde where is thy Harte
Sir Foole in place,
wher as it shuld not be:
Tyed vp so fast,
that it can neuer starte?

Tyll Wysdom get,
agayne thy Lybertye:
In place wher thou,
as safe maist dwel swet daw?
As may the harte,
ly by the Lyons paw:
And wher for thee,
as much be sure they passe:
As dyd the master,
ons for Esops Asse.