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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate

edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken
5 occurrences of Beholde and se
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5 occurrences of Beholde and se
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[From Bodley Laud Misc. 683, leaves 21, back, to 22.]

Here begynneth a praier to Seynt Lethenard.


Reste and reffuge to folk dysconsolat
Fader off pyte and consolacyoun,
Callid recomfort to folk desolat,
Souereyn socour in Trybulacioun,
Vertuous visitour to folkis in prysoun,
Blissed Leonard! graunte of thy goodnesse,
To pray Iesu with hooll affeccyoun
To saue þi servauntis fro myschef & distresse.


Remembre on hem that lyn in cheynes bounde,
On folk exsiled far from ther contre,
On swich as lyn with many grevous wounde
Fetryd in prisoun and haue no lyberte;
For-get hem nouht þat pleyne in pouerte
For thrust & hunger constreyned with siknesse;
Pray to Iesu of mercyfull pite
To saue alle tho þat calle þe in distresse.



Lat thy praier and thy grace avaylle
To alle tho that calle þe in ther neede,
And specially of women that travaille,
To ache of bonys and gontes þat do sprede;
Help staunche veynes, wich sese nat to bleede,
Help furious folk that tremble in þer accesse,
And haue in mynde of mercy & take heede
To pray for alle þat calle þe in dystresse.


Sobre & appese suych folk as falle in furie
To trist and heuy do mytygacyoun,
Suych as be pensiff, mak hem glad & murie,
Distraut in thouht, reforme hem to resoun;
Releue þe porayle fro fals oppressioun
Of tyranye, and extort brotylnesse,
Take hem of mercy in thy proteccyoun
And saue þi servauntis fro myschef & distresse.


This signys groundid on parfit charite,
In þi persone encresyng ay by grace,
O glorious Leonard! pray Iesu on thy kne
For þi servauntis resortyng to þis place,
That they may haue leiser, tyme, & space,
Alle olde surfetis to refourme and redresse
Hosil & shryfft or they hens passe,
With þe to regne in eternal gladnesse.


Merciful Leonard! gracious & benygne!
Shewe to þi servauntis sum palpable sygne,
Passyng this vale of worldly wrecchidnesse
With the to regne in eternal gladnesse,
Ther to be ffed with selestyal manna,
Wher as angelis ar wont to synge osanna!