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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Yea/yea: wel sayd/what maner of Speache heare I theare?
I com to you verely, as a safe Preseruer.
Ye are welcom hither, my deere Sister and Brother.
Be not so sorowfull, in this straing sort now.
For the High-mynde, which ye haue brought with you/
That same wil we carefully ; for our Portion; saue:
High-mynde, thats such a Morsell, as we woulde wish to have:
Yea, it is very honorable, and not to discommende.
I wil showe you Wonders, therfore to mee attende.
For we are now heere,

Sap. 2.a.

in the earthly Paradise-of-pleasure.

To heare of thatt, doth sure delyte me out-of measure.
For my Mynde is altogether, to the Rest inclynde.
But my Thoughts do vex me, wherseuer I do wynde.
And sorowfull Heauynes, hath prest me downe flatt.

Soft Sers/theare must I be among you, with my mery Thatt.
Saluted be you beer/deere Freends altogether.
You honorable of Fame, ye are right welcom hether/
Into this Place of Delectacion, voyde of all Shame.

Who art thou my Frende?


I am calde Unregarding/and thatt is my Name/
Uery-well reported, for a prudent wyse man.

I do much reioyce me, to fynde the heere than.
But tell me I praye thee/canst thou inuent Mirth and Gladnes?

O yea: therfore harken to me, and be eased of the Sadnes.
Thou must in euery Crafty act, still vnregarding bee.
And let alwayes

Esa. 30.[illeg.].

Good-thinking, teache and preache to thee:

Holde thy self at quyet therin/and determyne theron to bylde.

Doo euenso: and I wil the ache thee as myne owne Childe.
Therfore ; to our Exhortation; giue-ouer thy self euen-thus.