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The Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge made by Andrew Borde

... A Compendyous Regyment or A Dyetary of Helth made in Mountpyllier, compyled by Andrewe Boorde ... Barnes in the Defence of the Berde: a Treatyse made, answerynge the Treatyse of Doctor Borde vpon Berdes: Edited, with a life of Andrew Boorde, and large extracts from his Breuyary by F. J. Furnivall

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The .xxx. chapter treateth of the natural disposicion of Spanyardes, of the countrey, of the money, and of the speche.

I am a Spaynyard, and Castylyon I can speke;
In dyuers countreys I do wander and peke;
I do take great labour, and also great payne;
To get a poore lyuyng I am glad and fayne;
In my countrey I haue very poore fare,
And my house and my lodgyng is very bare.
A Spanyshe cloke I do vse for to were,
To hyde mine olde cote and myn other broken gere.