University of Virginia Library



It seems very strange, and I can't make it out,
Why the drumstick is given to me;
I think I deserve a nice part of the fowl,
Yet forever the drumstick I see.
I pass the white meat to Miss Anderson's plate,
And old Mr. Rich takes the thighs;
The side-bones go off at a terrible rate,
And the pinion to sister Ann flies.
If I were to count all the drumsticks I've had
Since the pap spoon was taken away,
And I've sitten at table with women and men,
You would hardly believe what I say.


'Tis said that a part helps a part, and I'm sure,
If that is the state of the case,
I think I can enter before very long
With “Bonnets of Blue” for a race.
I'm sure I'm not greedy, but really, papa,
If you give me the drumstick again,
Your son, in the place of a leg like your own,
Will exhibit the shank of a crane.