University of Virginia Library



What can drear December say
That should make our souls rejoice?
Fields are white and skies are grey;
Winter speaks with sternest voice.
Summer's gone far over seas;
Scent and sweetness all are fled;
Every southward sweeping breeze
Wails a dirge for summer dead.
Hearts are numb with nameless pain,
For the year is near its death:
“Joy once past comes not again,”
To itself the sad soul saith.
This is what December says,
Heard through snows and flying sleet:
“Even in my shortening days
Still abide presagings sweet
Of the pleasant time to be.
In my woods the hazel swells;
Under snows who looks may see
Epigæa's rose tinged bells.
All the blasts in fury reeling
Cannot quench my Christmas light.
Heart, look up! One came with healing
On a dark December night.”