University of Virginia Library

In this Distraction mixing once again
A Consolation-cup;

such the Jews were wont to have at their Funerals.

Thick Mists amain

About us gathering; a Murmur there
Of the blest Shade himself we then might hear.
FOND Mortals; wipe your eyes (said he) pray keep
That liquor for your selves.

all. to Luk. 23.28.

poor Envy 'tis

Which prompts your Threnodies for me. To weep
For my Sake, is but to Ignore my Bliss.
O what a world of smoke of dust of Folly
Am I sayl'd

all. to Phil. 1.23. where to depart, is by some translated to loose Anchor.

from! No sin shall me annoy,


And no Temptation more to be unholy
Shall e'er molest me in my Masters JOY.
I have my Ragged mantle dropt; I have
All Vanity and all Vexation

Mors Beatitudinis principium, Laborum meta, peremptoria peccatorum, Aug. Death is the beginning of blessedness, the goal of hardships, the destruction of sins.

Escap'd, my Clay safe kept within a Grave
Preserv'd lies for the Resurrection.
No Cross

Christ & his Cross part at Heavens door, for there's no room for Crosses in Heaven. Rutherf. Epist.

shall ever gall my shoulders more,

From God, correcting my disorders, and
No Club e're strike me, red with ancient Gore,
Still by each Cain

Caini adhuc clavus Abelis sanguine rubens ubique circumfertur. Bucholtz. Thus far the club of Cain red with the blood of Abel was carried around everywhere.

retained in his hand.

I'm got within the Vail, and there I see
The ever-glorious Face of the

The Heaven of Heaven, pourtray'd in Joh. 17.24.


And He with Transports doth convey to me
As much of GOD as entertain I can.
I Know, I Live, I Love; But How? forbear
To be inquisitive: It can't be told
To you; No, tho you all

skil'd in the language which bold conjectures think to be Heavens Dialect.


One versed in Hebrew; a Hebrew scholar.


Nor can shell-vessels

all. to 2 Cor. 4.7. gr.

this things meaning hold.

I find besides my loving Guardians here,
Here the Good Angels that convey'd me thro'
The Divel-haunted-Dungeon-Atmosphere,

the territories whereto the apostate troops of Lucifer seem to be confined, from Eph. 2.2.

To mine annext their Hallelujahs do.
Here, me the Chorus of the glorify'd,
The polisht

all. to 1 Cor. 5.5.

, now in the Temple plac't

The twice cloath'd

all. to 2. ibid. where an upper garment of glory is engaged to the souls on which an under garment of grace is wrought with the Eternal Spirits Needlework.

Souls, salute on ev'ry side;

I see Nathaneel

v. Joh. 1.47.

here, I know the rest.

Be glad that I am here, and after hye,
Your selves with diligence, all posting hither,
Precepts and Patterns left, my Counsels eye,
And Copyes, so we shall be soon together.

a thing rationally sung by the German Swan the night before he died.

Souls, follow me. Anon the Stars, the Sands.
The Atoms of the Universe—a Scrol
Like Heaven fill'd with Nines, for cypher stands,
Compar'd to the Long joyes

a line purposely too long for the verse, but too short not [several words in original unreadable] shaddow of ETERNITY.

that over us may roll.