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The sons of Usna

a tragi-apotheosis, in five acts

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A Room in the Mansion of the Red Branch. Naisa and Daidra engaged playing Chess. Ainli and Ardan looking on. Enter Lavercam.
It is not meet for you to be here now,
Playing upon this polished Cabinet,
Which Conor mourned your having taken off,
More than he did the loss of anything,
Except Daidra's self!

Then let us cease.
Oh! Lavercam! what is to be our fate?
Can you not tell us why you came?

I come, by Conor's dread command, to know
Whether or not your Beauty live upon you,
As it did in days gone by.

If so, what then?

Naisa will be slain—you made his wife!

Is this determined on by him?

It is.
You have not heard the dreadful deed that is
To be achieved in Eman here this night,
When the three Luminaries of the Gaels
Will all be put to death by Conor's sword?

Oh! God! you say not so?


I do indeed!
It will be done this very night!

Who told
You so?

Conor himself!

Alas! alas!
Naisa! poor Daidra told you so!

You did, dear Princess! but it shall not be.
There is a God above, who knows all things,
And He will save the innocent from harm;
In Him I put my trust.

Put not your trust
In treacherous man—for falsehood is his truth;
In God alone is strength—Almighty power—
Eternal trust, that never can betray!
Oh! Lavercam! how glad I am to see
You here! You are our friend indeed—in whom
We put our trust—the Angel of our lives!

Then follow my advice—close all the doors,
And then defend yourselves most valorously,
Till Fergus come—for he will be upon
You straight! Farewell! I go to watch him now.

May God Almighty bless you for this deed!

Now, brothers! Sons of Usna, now in Heaven!
Prepare to meet the foe! Gird on your swords!
Take up your shields, that when the hour shall come,
We may be ready to abide the worst!
Oh! God! that ever it should come to this!
That loving—imaging the God of Heaven—
Should be a crime! If God in Heaven is just—
Who is the only King of earth and Heaven—
Then will He cause to triumph what is just—
Hurling the evil down to Hell—the good
Uplifting into Heaven, where all is joy!
