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“Fit love for Gods.”—

Fair as the white Swan of the Nile,
Was thy pure neck of snow;
Like cloudless morning thy sweet smile—
Thy cheeks two roses, all the while
Beginning still to blow.
Thou wert as lovely as the hind—
As pleasant as the roe;
Thy beauty most was of the mind—
To wisdom thou wert more inclined
Than any one I know.
For thy sweet beauty was to me,
In this dark world below,
Like some bright star above the sea
To some lone ship—for, without thee,
I knew not where to go.
But thou art now in Heaven above,
A saint among the blest;
The same celestial, snow-white Dove,
That thou on earth didst ever prove
To this fond, aching breast!

“Let thy wife be as the loving hind, and the pleasant roe”—


Oaky Grove, Ga., Nov 1st, 1844.