University of Virginia Library


I have heard the song birds singing,
I have heard the curlews call;
I have heard sweet charming music,
On mine ears it gently fall.
I have heard the robin-red-breast,
And the cooing of the dove,
I've been charmed by inspiration,
Now my heart doth melt with love.


Yes, the curlew's call reminds me,
Of a voice, full well I know;
And the balmy zephyrs blowing,
Drift my thoughts to long ago.
And the rippling brook reminds me,
Of her laughter all the while;
And the bright and golden sun light,
Of her sweet angelic smile.
It is love that now possess me,
And my heart for one doth yearn;
I have loved thee true dear Helen,
Dost thou love me in return?