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Snowy 'Road'
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Snowy 'Road'

Dear Sir:

Once upon a Tuesday night,
after the usual bridge game, the
residents of 140 Webb had all
settled down to studying,
sleeping or quietly
entertaining. The ground was
covered with freshly fallen
snow. Earlier, there had been
threats of a snowball fight but
now everything was quiet. I
was just beginning to read
government when, suddenly,
there was a loud crash of glass
out in the suite.

I, being the Resident
Assistant, rushed out to see
who had thrown the snow balls
and who was going to get up
the mess. "Stop!" someone
cried as I entered the suite,
"There's glass all over." I was
just in time to see a group of
guys removing one of the more
frequent visitors from the
premises. I demanded that they
return to clean the glass but
my remarks were unheeded.

I, seething with anger,
rushed back to my room,
stepped into my handy Dr.
Scholl's went running through
the debris amid shouts of "they
took .......!, it was Sigma Nu, it
was Sigma Nu," shouting my
"authority" and demanding
the glass be cleaned up. As the
offenders made way to the
get-away car, I picked up the
emergency phone to security
and reported the incident to
them. I was told someone
would be up right away.

I, with a feeling of
uselessness, climbed the stairs
and surveyed the damage from
outside. The screen had also
been destroyed. Upon
re-entering the suite, I
discovered that the guys had
come to take their frat brother
"down the road."

We sat around twiddling
our thumbs for about 15
minutes and Security still had
not arrived. I called and was
told that the shift was changing
then (it was about midnight).
We were assured that someone
would be there soon. One of
the girls called the House and
was told she had the wrong

Meanwhile, the fraternity is
taking ....."down the road". By
the way, the two eyewitnesses
said that ..... was about to open
the door and was very lucky
that he had not gotten hit by
any of the glass.

Security finally arrived
about half an hour after the
incident was first reported.
After receiving an account of
what happened, the policeman
went over to Sigma Nu and
returned about twenty minutes
later with three brothers (who
weren't among the offenders)
who proceeded to clean up the
glass. Meanwhile, ..... should
have been struggling to get
home from his ride "down the

We, of the 140 suite of
Webb, have up until now
enjoyed fraternity life on the
Grounds but last night's events
have disillusioned us terribly
about the maturity and
intelligence of the members of
certain frats. We'd like to
thank Security for their
promptness in dealing with the
situation and we'd also like to
ask what would happen if
someone were being raped or
robbed or murdered or, worse
still, smoking dope at the
changing of shift?

We'd also like to thank
Sigma Nu for the air
conditioning but we do have
one tiny favor to ask – that
the next date of installation be
in the heat of summer and at
our request.

Sheila Crider
RA Webb
Col. 2