University of Virginia Library

Three Foul Out

Duke's spree was made all
the easier by the enforced
absence of two thirds of the
Cavayearling front line. After
only two points in the second
half and the drawing of his
fifth personal foul, Gerard said
good-bye to the game with
7:20 left. Graham departed less
than two minutes later and
reserve forward Dick Davis
joined him with 2:32 left.
Kenneth Hill, fresh off the
bench, let his anxiety get the
best of him as he was ejected
for "spearing" at the 1:18

Due to the long-range
bombing of Cavalier reserve
Tiley, the first-yearmen kept
the game from getting too far
out of hand. The final score,
81-67, was all too
anti-climactic as everyone in
the arena knew what the
outcome would be several
minutes earlier.