University of Virginia Library



Pop Band, important business
meeting, 7:00 PM Tuesday, Wilson
Hall auditorium.

Circle K Meeting, 7:00 PM, 4A,
Newcomb Hall, Board Meeting 7:00
Film production meeting, 7:30 PM,
Wilson 215, anyone interested

Films on war and imperialism:
"Who Invited Us?", "Once upon
War", "The Magician" Presented by
CDR 3-5-9 PM, S. Meeting room,
Newcomb 50 cents.

Women's Tennis Club meeting,
7:30 in Memorial gym.

Student Council meeting, 7:00 PM,
4th floor, Newcomb Hall.

Baptist Student Union supper
meeting 5:30-7:00 PM, 75 cents
meal. Program at 6:15, Joe
Washington, Jr., Chairman of the
Afro-American Studies Program
will speak on "Marriage in Black
and White."


Charlottesville Tenants Ass.
meeting 8:00 PM, informal Lounge,
Newcomb Hall. All interested
please come.

Raven Society Luncheon 1-2
Newcomb Hall. Parlor A, Mr.
Corrigan will speak.

Handball Club meeting, All
students, fac. staff. 8:00 PM at
courts. Attend or leave word.

AIAA Meeting, A&M Auditorium.
Speakers: Mr. Arthur Slotkin, Mr.
Michael Schoeneberg. 7:30 PM.


Raven Society Members: Notify
Paul Hurdle I Watson House of
Local address for mailing list.

Film Production Union Meeting,
Wilson Hall 215, 8:00 PM,
Still-Photography, new members

Women's tennis club tryouts,
Monday-Friday, 4-6 PM at Lady
Astor Courts.

Old Guides-Please, if you haven't
filled out a schedule already, make
up one showing when you are free,
deliver to 3 W. Lawn.