University of Virginia Library


Student Council meeting, 7:00 4th
floor, Newcomb Hall, everyone

Photographers meeting of anyone
interested in working on yearbook
staff, 8 PM, room 4-B, Newcomb

Baptist Student Union super
meeting 5:30-7:00 everyone invited
$ .75 meal, Program: Presentation
and Discussion of Projects and

Big Brothers-Big Sisters: Madison
Hall seminar on your program is
7:30 PM Wilson Aud. Important

Jazz Ensemble Auditions: in OCH
Bank room . Check board for
your section time

ODK Luncheon Parlor A&B, 1:00
PM Richard Godine, Dir. of
Development will speak.

Folk Dancing for everyone 7:30 PM
Newcomb Hall. Beginners welcome.

Book exchange, students,
alternative newspaper; tenants
Join the UUS 8:30 PM, Rotunda.

Guide Service—first meeting 7:30,
Rotund, old guides fill out forms
there. Everyone interested welcome
to sign up for interviews-if unable
to come call 295-3446

Flash Gordon Fights the Infamous

Circle K Board meeting, Newcomb
Hall 4-A 7:00 PM

Hillel Foundation: Yom Kippur
Services, 7:30 PM and Wednesday
at 10:00 AM

Student Council meeting at 7:00
PM, Honor Committee rm,
Newcomb Hall.

Black Student alliance meeting.
6:30 So. meeting room, Newcomb
Hall. Imp business.