University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

To party or not to party, that is
the question facing the fourth-year
class. Some fourth-year men have
argued that the money saved from
not having graduation parties could
be used more beneficially by our
library. They say the joys of a party
are terminal, and after all rather
base while the intellectual joys
gained from new books are longer
lasting and more significant.

I disagree. I think the
fourth-year class needs at least one
big party to culminate its social life
at Virginia. The graduation
ceremonies take care of our
academic training. Doesn't our
social life deserve the honor of a
decent culmination? For me the
answer is yes. In many cases out
experiences outside the confines of
course work will be our most
cherished ones. Why make these
experience subservient to our
formal academic life?

The simple joys felt at a party
can be just as intense and just as
lasting as the purely academic ones
experienced in the library. Those
who don't think so are missing out
on half of life.

C. Ron Poduska
College 4