University of Virginia Library


When I entered the next suite,
no one was there and there were no
sounds emanating from the rooms.
Recalling what Senator Bateman
had said, I felt inspired again and
moved on. The next suite had
several girls sitting in the lounge.
Nothing of interest was going on, so
I asked if I could ask them some
questions. Hopefully they would
reveal where it was at.

None of them seemed to know.
Well, what about Senator
Bateman's charges? The general
consensus showed that he must be
talking about some other school.
Nothing was out of hand here. But,
couldn't they have a different
opinion of morals than the
Senator? They said that no matter
what morals were involved, there
just wasn't that much good of bad
going on.

How much dating went on
between the first year coeds and
the first year men? Not all that
much was the general reply there
and in other suites. The roll and the
out-of-town date were their big
complaints. They seemed to be
especially sore in light of the recent
Midwinters weekend. Complaints
were aired that the coeds here had
to sit around while girls were
brought in from down the road.