University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

Virginia has come a long way, it
seems, since last year's Cagers went
10-15. We have a nationally
recognized team, ACC atmosphere,
and even the pep band is coming
through. In light of this, it remains
puzzling that our cheerleaders
continue their somewhat bland
performances. In the few years that
we have had female cheerleaders, I
have yet to see them run a
successful routine to music. In a
conference where a cheerleader is
supposed to be more than simply
attractive and energetic, we seem
destined for a second division

From what I have heard, tryouts
were held, and many applicants
showed up, yet none were selected
because of their first year status. It
would seem that first year girls
would be the best choice, allowing
them to accumulate some degree of

In light of performances by such
cheerleading crews as UNC and
Duke, it seems quite evident that
some improvement is due.

M. Thomas Diklich
College 2