University of Virginia Library

To The Editor

Yeah, Cheerleaders!

Dear Sir:

Not only did last Friday's
editorial entitled "Cheerleaders"
show that the editor, Mr. Adams, is
running out of ideas, but
furthermore it was in poor taste. To
criticize the University's basketball
cheerleaders because of their
outfits, "State U-ish" cheers(?), and
other exhibitionistic antics is going
a little far. What are cheerleaders
for anyway?

The basketball team has been a
great pleasure this season and such
an untimely and indeed
unwarranted outburst against our
cheerleaders seems a little out of
order, especially as an editorial
topic. (Personally I sort of like the
female cheerleaders' "dime-store"

Paul N. Evans
College 2
* * *
Dear Sir:

After attending the past couple
of home basketball games, I have
become increasingly disgusted with
the bad manners and unsportsmanlike
conduct of many of the
Cavalier fans. I am not referring to
the reaction to poor officials' calls,
but rather the booing which
accompanies the visiting team's
entrance on court and each of their
foul shots whether or not they were
just calls. Granted ACC
competition is rough and Virginia is
battling for top position, but when
does this necessitate such poor
conduct? Recently, in comparison
to Virginia booers, even South
Carolina fans seem tame!

Maybe I am wrong, but
wouldn't utter silence (versus
distasteful booing) upon such
occasions, in contrast with the
enthusiastic outbursts the Cavaliers
receive, make an equal, if not
greater, impact in showing our
support for our great Virginia

Stephanie Foyle
Education 3
* * *
Dear Sir:

Re: Paul Chaplin's review of
"Love Story." Mr. Chaplin is a six
shooter with two bullets and four

Steve Durham
College 1