University of Virginia Library

Quality Of Life

It is the last point that is only
recently being accorded the
attention that it deserves. The
quality of life throughout the entire
nation is in a sorry state. In many
places you can't breathe, see, drive
anywhere, leave your house for a
few moments without being fearful
that some undesirable consequence
will befall you. Wherever you go
are those blessed Muzak speakers
spewing forth that disgustingly
sweet music.

Recent studies of college
students have concluded that the
nonacademic atmosphere—dorm
life, social life, availability of
pleasant, diverse opportunities to
do non-academic activities, may
have a very important role in the
productivity of the students, their
mental health, and their ultimate
success or failure. The opportunity
to meet other students, to exchange
ideas, pleasantries or whatever is
severely limited when there is no
central place where students from
the entire University, not just the
undergraduate portion, can go to
and when they leave, leave
reluctantly. Usually you can't wait
to get out of Newcomb Hall.