University of Virginia Library

The Senior Constitution

It was at the end of last semester that the
graduating class of the University, which had
functioned for decades with a very simple
structure, ran into trouble. The events of last
May disrupted many things and when disputes
arose as to what should be done with the
approximately $25,000 entrusted to the
senior class there was no way of adjudicating
the problem inasmuch as there was no
constitution delineating the authority of the
Senior Class officers. Somehow the class
managed to graduate but they didn't get
around to resolving the basic conflicts, other
than to leave a draft of a proposed
constitution and no officers for this year.

And so tomorrow and Wednesday degree
applicants will vote on a constitution for
their class and the classes which will follow. It
was drafted by an interested group of
students under the auspices of the Student
Council and approved by that body. Actually
it is only a sketchy document covering the
election and composition of the senior
Executive Board of the Senior Class and the
meetings of that body. There are no by-laws;
these will be determined by the Graduating
Class later, after the officers have been

And the officers will be elected in this
same election, except for the representatives
from the graduate schools who will be
appointed by the president of their school. If
the constitution is voted down, these
representatives will not take office. There is
certainly nothing objectionable about the
proposed Constitution of the Graduating
Class. We urge its adoption.

Concerning the class President and the
various representatives who will be elected
tomorrow and Thursday, we hope students
will do a little thinking before they vote. In
the past these elections were more or less
popularity contests, because the duties of
office were fairly automatic. But the officers
elected this week and in any runoffs which
may follow will have to help complete the
constitution and plan some activities for June.
The President of the Senior Class should at
least have the ability to conduct a class
meeting, a rather simple chore we admit, but
one which was beyond the abilities of last
year's president.