University of Virginia Library

Vote For
The Man

Dear Sir:

In response to your column of
October 22 (Lindsay: Republican
Without a Party). I feel that you
have demonstrated a common fault
with many people in this country.
By saying that Mr. Lindsay should
not have broken party ties, you are
advocating the support of a
candidate regardless of his political
achievements - or lack of them. If
more people voted merely
Republican or Democratic because
they were so registered, the
democratic system would surely

Mr. Lindsay is to be praised for
his "radical" ideas and backing of
Mr. A. Goldberg. In the past, the
city has had the annual role of
beggar when it came to finds and
aid from Albany. Mr. Rockefeller
has done very little for New York
City and its problems; where was he
when Mayor Lindsay asked for aid
in the teacher strikes, subway
strikes, sanitation strikes, prison
riots - the list is endless. Ever since
the Mayor's election to his position,
the Governor has tried to make Mr.
Lindsay look bad - possibly in
defense of his own political future,
but all the while hurting N.Y.C. and
New Yorkers.

For this reason, Mr. Lindsay
feels that the Goldberg-Paterson
ticket is New York's ticket to move
aid from Albany. No man can be
condemning for leaving the party
and placing the welfare of his city

I only hope that more people
like Mr. Gillmore would look into
the candidates and not vote merely
by party ties.

Scott Peri
College 1