University of Virginia Library

Lack Of Knowledge

Dear Sir:

I was completely astounded by
Mr. Peter Daly's letter of February
10. He may have done quite a bit of
research, but alas, to no avail. His
great undertaking lacks only two
things, truth and logic.

Being the person in question
who asked Dean Woody to arrange
a meeting with Governor Holton's
aides, I feel that I know much more
about the subject matter at hand
than Mr. Daly. Dean Woody kindly
complied with my request at a time
when exams were my main concern.
To say that we carried Mr.
Woody's ideas to the capital could
not be further from the truth. He
didn't even know what we were
going to say, much less "tell" us
what to say. And he based his
prediction of what our objectives
were on his personal knowledge of
my political convictions. I asked
him to arrange the meeting for me
and he did, PERIOD.

As far as the rest of the letter is
concerned, if Mr. Daly knows
anything about the valuable usage
of logic, he certainly did not
display it. Instead, it seems that he
resorted to the all too familiar
tactic around this "enlightened"
academic village of malicious
"name calling:" Finally, by implying
that Dean Woody possessed
some high degree of dishonor, Mr.
Daly displayed his total lack of
knowledge of the man whom he
seemed so intent on destroying.

Donald W. Lovett
Engr. 4