University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

Thank you for your editorial
recognition of the new School of
Architecture. The points made
concerning the quality of University
architecture in recent years are
well taken. However, I suspect that
Pietro Behuschi and his associates
might cringe at the description of
their design as a "nice"-looking
building. The School is probably
much too important an architectural
contribution to the University
to be burdened with that all-encompassing

Finally I would submit that
those "awful potted plants" in the
lobby are in fact just the sort of
softening touch that can transform
a good building into a very lively
human environment. The same
effect is being achieved in the
drafting areas with a profusion of
brightly colored partitions, posters,
furniture, and - inevitably -
potted plants.

James Peyton Boyd, Jr.
Architecture 5