University of Virginia Library

Against Violence

One would think that people
would simply be for violence or
against it, hopefully against it.
Granted that this isn't the case, one
would still hope that people's
criteria for determining what was
good and what was bad violence
would at least be rational and
objective, as opposed to merely
selfish. Since this isn't the way
things are either, about all that can
be done is to pray for people to
examine the true nature of the
violence being dispensed daily by
Kleindienst and company, and ask
themselves if it's really worth all
the pain you cause when you try
and meet violence with violence.

Can't we be the generation that
finally realizes that nobody wins
power struggles except the power
hungry? No one gains from violence
except the violent. Might it not be
that 'good' violence does not exist
and Thurm Wenzl was justified in
strenuously objecting to a whitewash
of that fact? How many
people has Wenzl shot, clubbed,
gassed, ordered imprisoned or sent
to Viet Nam? How many people
have suffered because the Kleindiensts
of America and Germany
and Russia have offered, in a soft
voice, to do the killing out of sight,
and the liberals have been sympathetic?