University of Virginia Library


What else but a State-worshipping
religion or religion substitute
explains the hundreds of thousands
of so-called Christians and Jews
who are presently murdering people
in Vietnam? What else accounts
for the wording of the Military
Service Act of 1967 that grants
Conscientious Objector Status only
to those people who refuse to kill
on religious grounds as specifically
opposed to "...essentially political,
sociological, or philosophical
views or a merely personal moral
code." What else accounts for the
incredible arrogance of the phrase
"merely personal moral code?"

A person's moral code doesn't
count as much as the State's moral
code here in Amerika. There can be
no other conclusion. Indeed the
only thing that the State will
consider as 'valid' as its' religion is
another, and very emphatically
religious, religion.

It's insane, but that's all right,
cause Amerika's insane and that
makes insanity good.