University of Virginia Library

Impressive Field

The lists of participants is again
impressive and includes Amherst,
which was ranked number one
among college sides last year.
Amherst rugby is strengthened by
the fact that the school has no
spring football practice, the football
players being encouraged to play
rugby. Indiana, who holds the Big
Ten rugby championship, will be
here, as will Brown, who won the
Commonwealth Cup in 1963 and
1966. A perennial powerhouse, Holy
Cross joins the field, and the
Toronto Old Boys will also present
a strong challenge, bolstered by
having several former Canadian
football players in the ranks.

Philadelphia, an excellent club
team with a wealth of experience
gathered in their nearly annual
tours of England, and Old Blue,
which has been number one in
Eastern Rugby for the past three
years round out the eight team
field. Among the more noted
performers for Old Blue are Roger
Dennis, ex-N.Y. Giant flanker; Tom
Haggerty, a former Columbia
All-East quarterback; and most
noticeably, Mike Smith, who has
played on the first side of the
English national team.