University of Virginia Library

'Newsreel' Art Films
Planned For Prism

Following last year's enormously
successful Experimental Film
showing. The Prism Coffee House
will show a series of "Newsreel"
films presented by The Liberation
Theatre. Lennart Walloff, John
Ruble, Paul Admeades, and Jon
Carlsten, directors of the theatre,
explain their goals by saying, "We
feel it is our duty to continue the
infusion of realism. The psychic
and social consequences of ignorance
toward change may become
critical if you refuse to open your
eyes. On Tuesday night, October
29, 1968 at 6, 8, 10, 12 p.m. the
Liberation Theatre will present the
controversial films of the Newsreel.
Whether one agrees or not with any
artistic expression is not the critical
question. What is critical is the
expansion of one's consciousness.
In seeking any principles of intelligibility
it is manifest that one accepts
the challenge of change and
becomes involved. The events documented
by such experimental filmmakers
as the Newsreel are involved
in your lives, as you in theirs,
thanks to electric media.

"We challenge you to explore
your own environmental situation.
Charlottesville now exists as the
'vanishing point' of the global village.
Let us close the environmental

Eight films will be presented,
such as "Up Against the wall,
Mother F," "Riot Control Weapons,"
"Time of the Locust," and
"Dog Burning at Noon." Total
viewing time of the films is one
hour and thirty-two minutes and
the admission for all the films is
one dollar.