University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

We the undersigned would like
to puncture the following illusory

Illusory balloon number 1: The
University police do not need guns.
They do, in fact, need guns. Everyone
in this perilous time of an
ever-increasing crime rate, a time
in which rioting, raping, looting,
and burning show flagrant disregard
for our country's proud
tradition of a law abiding citizenry,
a time in which draft card burners
and even certain officials in high
places flaunt their lack of patriotism,
needs a gun.

Illusory balloon number 2: Marijuana
should be legalized. Students
do not, in fact, need marijuana.
No one in this perilous time in
which rioting, raping, looting, and
burning show proud disregard for
our country's flagrant tradition of
a law abiding citizenry, a time in
which draft card burners and even
certain officials in high places flaunt
their lack of patriotism, needs

Illusory balloon number 3: This
country needs Lyndon Johnson.
This country does not in fact need
Lyndon Johnson. No country in
this perilous time in which our
country's proud tradition of
rioting, raping, burning, and certain
officials in high places, a time
in which law abiding looters burn
their citizenry, needs Lyndon Johnson.

Illusory balloon number 4:
Fascist Ungodly Communism is
not taking over. Fascist Ungodly
Communism is in fact taking over.
Anyone can see that in these
perilous times of an ever increasing
law abiding citizenry which
disregards our country's proud
tradition of raping, rioting, drafting,
and burning certain high officials,
Communism is taking over.

The Undersigned