University of Virginia Library

Koval Shines

For Virginia, it was Barry Koval,
the record holder for the most
assists in one year, who put in
the evening's finest performance.
The Cavalier ball hawk and play
caller scored only five points but
was responsible for 14 others and
as he made his way to the bench
the crowd rose as one, acknowledging
Koval's best performance of
his career.

In the narrow corridor outside
the Virginia dressing room, Coach
Bill Gibson talked about the hour-old
game. The excitement generated
by University Hall's historic crowd
had left the man strained and exhausted
after having brought his
team to its apex of the season.

As Chip Case and Buddy Reams
wandered through the hall talk
changed from the past to the
future. "A crowd like that really
does something to a team, and
in turn we are concentrating on
bringing them a team which will
fill University Hall every game."

Against the nation's third
ranked power, a crowd and a
team brought the proper perspective
to University Hall. With next
season bringing back Carmichael,
Case, Reams, Wilkes, and Kinn,
last Saturday night's game may
well have been a sign of things to