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The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:

Mr. Andrew Buni as Assistant Professor of History, for one year, effective 1 September 1964,
at a session salary of $7,200.

Mr. John M. Dunnavant, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Education, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $7,200.

Miss Emily M. Haymes as Instructor in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, for one
year, effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $6,000.


Miss Anne P. Hilgartner as Instructor in Psychology, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary of $5,700.

Mrs. Lois A. Jordan as Instructor in Art (Ceramics), part time, for one year, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $3,300.

Mr. Bernard L. Mahoney, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Chemistry, for three years,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $7,500, actual date of assumption of duties
to be determined by completion of thesis research now in progress, with salary for 1964-1965
session to be adjusted accordingly.

Mr. John C. Manolis as Instructor in Modern Foreign Languages (French), for one year,
effective 1 September 1964, at a session salary of $6,300.

Mr. Edward J. Marks as Instructor in Music (Woodwinds), for one year, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary to be paid on a per student basis.

Miss Huguette J. Moreau as Instructor in Modern Foreign Languages (French, with special
responsibilities for the French House), for one year, effective 1 September 1964, at a session
salary of $5,700.

Mr. Paul C. Muick as Assistant Professor of Art (Sculpture), for three years, effective
1 September 1964, at a session salary of $7,500.

Miss Padmabai Rubgundi as Visiting Lecturer in Humanities, for one semester, effective
1 February 1965, at a salary of $2,850 for the semester.

Mr. Dudley A. Sherwood as Assistant Professor of Classics, for one year, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary of $6,600.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following person be and she is hereby re-elected to the faculty:

Mrs. Jeanne C. Goddin as Instructor in Music (Harp), for one year, effective 1 September
1964, at a session salary to be paid on a per student fee basis.


The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons shall receive the salary indicated:

Mr. Donald E. Glover, Instructor in English, at a session salary of $6,900, effective
1 September 1964.

Mr. L. Marx Renzulli, Jr., Assistant Professor of History and Political Science, at a
session salary of $7,500, effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Richard L. Sarchet, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, at a session salary of $6,900,
effective 1 September 1964.

Mr. Phillip L. Shew, Assistant Professor of Education, at a session salary of $7,200,
effective 1 September 1964.


The following resignation was announced:

Mr. Bert A. Goldman, Assistant Professor of Psychology, effective 30 June 1964, to accept
another position.


The following appointment was announced:

Mr. Joseph C. Vance as Chairman of the Department of History, for five years, effective
1 September 1964.


Mr. Robert L. Hilldrup, Professor and Chairman of the Department of History and Political
Science, died suddenly on 8 July 1964. Mr. Hilldrup had been a member of the Faculty of Mary
Washington College since September 1944.

From the Rector, the President, and the individual Visitors there were expressions of the
affection and esteem in which Mr. Hilldrup was held, and the Secretary was directed to convey
to his widow and to record in the permanent minutes of the Board the deep sense of loss felt
by the Board and the gratitude of the Visitors, both as a body and as individuals, for
Mr. Hilldrup's distinguished and devoted services to the University.



At the June meeting the Chancellor reported on the cost of constructing the new dormitory
and the methods of financing to be used. On construction projects it has been customary to
obtain the Governor's permission to negotiate a temporary loan through the State Treasurer for
the difference between the appropriation and the proposed cost of construction. This temporary
loan will be repaid from the proceeds of the sale of bonds.

The Director of the Budget has informed the Chancellor that it will be necessary that the
Board, in a formal resolution, authorize the proposed method of financing from the sale of
bonds and for the temporary loan from the State Treasury. The proposed method of financing
the dormitory is as follows.

Construction  $648,391 00 
Equipment (Dormitory Rooms)  76,597 00 
Equipment Estimate (Other)  35,012 00 
Architect and Engineering Fee  44,000 00 
Total  $804,000 00 
Appropriation  -295,000 00 
$509,000 00 
Estimated Contingencies  11,000 00 
Proposed Bond Issue  $520,000 00 

It is hoped that the sale of the bonds can be deferred until the constitutionality of the
Act establishing the College Building Authority has been determined, since it is believed that
a lower interest rate can be obtained by sale through that agency.

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and it is hereby authorized to obtain a loan of $520,000 from
the Treasurer of Virginia, subject to the approval of the Governor, for the purpose of financing
the proposed dormitory, said loan to be repaid from the proceeds of the sale of dormitory
revenue bonds.


The Chancellor reported that since the request was submitted to the Board for an easement
across the Brompton property for the water line to the location of a new reservoir on the
Brompton property, the City of Fredericksburg has decided on another location for the reservoir
and wishes therefore to terminate the request.

The City will request at a later date an easement for a 24-inch water line to cross the
College campus to supply the new location of the proposed reservoir which will be to the south
of the "Park and Shop" shopping center. The suggested easement would enter the College campus
at the service road on Sunken Road in the vicinity of the abandoned swimming pool, and follow
a ravine to College Avenue to the north of the Fine Arts Building.


The Lt. General Albert J. Bowley Scholarship Fund was established by Mrs. Albert J. Bowley
for the purpose of providing two scholarships to be known as the "Lt. General Albert J. Bowley
Scholarship" and the "Annie Fleming Smith Scholarship." The first gift establishing this fund
was 200 shares of du Pont stock. The College later received an additional 100 shares of the
same stock. In addition the fund has received shares of General Motors common stock under the
anti-trust ruling that the du Pont Company shall divest itself of its holdings in General Motors.
The above securities are now a part of the Consolidated Endowment Fund of the University of
Virginia. Mrs. Bowley requests that this fund be established as a separate fund to be known
as the Lt. General Albert J. Bowley Scholarship Fund.

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the securities which have supported the Lt. General Albert J. Bowley Scholarship Fund be
withdrawn from the Consolidated Endowment Fund of the University of Virginia and be established
as a separate scholarship fund to be known as the "Lt. General Albert J. Bowley Scholarship
Fund" to be administered by the State-Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts of Richmond.


The Chancellor reported the receipt of a gift to Mary Washington College of $5,000 from an
anonymous donor to be used "for purposes not otherwise provided for in the financial structure
of the College." Expenditures from this fund are to be made in the Chancellor's discretion and
both principal and interest may be spent.

The following resolution was adopted:

WHEREAS an anonymous donor has made a gift of $5,000 to Mary Washington College for the
Chancellor's use in supporting programs not otherwise provided for in the College's budget,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that we hereby express our deep appreciation to the anonymous donor for
this gift which is to be used to enrich the College's academic program and direct the Secretary
to transmit a copy of this resolution to the anonymous donor as a mark of our thanks for his



The Chancellor reported on enrollment at Mary Washington College for the 1964-1965
academic session.


The Chancellor reported that, as a part of Virginia's celebration of the Civil War
Centennial, the City of Fredericksburg had appointed a subcommittee of the City's Civil War
Commission known as the Richard Kirkland Memorial Committee with the responsibility for
raising funds to erect a statue in honor of Richard Kirkland.

Richard Kirkland, a sergeant in the Confederate Army from South Carolina, was a hero
of the Battle of Fredericksburg which took place on December 13, 1862. Sergeant Kirkland
risked his life in crossing the stone wall on Sunken Road to bring water to wounded Federal
soldiers and became known as the "Angel of Mayre Heights." Equal contributions of $15,000
each had been made by the states of South Carolina and Virginia to underwrite the cost of
the statue. Mr. Felix D. de Weldon had been commissioned, the Chancellor continued, as the
sculptor for the statue at a cost of $25,000. Mr. de Weldon is known throughout the world
for his sculptures which include the Iwo Jima flag raising statue, the Pioneer Woman, and
many works placed in various countries. Mr. de Weldon is a member of the U. S. Fine Arts
Commission which reviews and approves monuments and buildings in the District of Columbia.

Mr. de Weldon on examining the sites available has recommended as an ideal site the
recent property acquired by Mary Washington College on Sunken Road opposite Brompton. It
was near this park that Sergeant Kirkland performed his heroic feats and it is also at the
point where the only original part of the stone wall remains. Mr. de Weldon suggested that
there would be a possible need for an access road to the monument. The Richard Kirkland
Memorial Committee has sufficient funds to landscape the property in accordance with the
recommendations of Mr. de Weldon.

The Richard Kirkland Memorial Committee has made a formal request for permission to
erect the monument on the College's property. If this request is approved, the City of
Fredericksburg will formally this monument to Mary Washington College to become its property
with the College being responsible for maintenance.

The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and it is hereby authorized to accept from the legal owner
the Richard Kirkland Memorial Statue to be erected on the recently acquired property opposite
Brompton on Sunken Road subject to all legal requirements to be approved by special counsel for
the University and subject further to the approval of the Governor and the State Art Commission.


The Chancellor stated the City of Fredericksburg is planning to install a sanitary sewer
line which will improve this facility to the residential area of College Heights and the
recently annexed section of the City to the south. The city is asking that two easements be
granted, one, following a small creek across a section of the College's Brompton property
where the College property intersects William Street and where the small creek in question flows
into Hazel Run, to the next adjacent property owned by College Heights Community Swimming Pool,
the other where the proposed sanitary sewer would cross two small segments of the College
property along Hazel Run.

It was pointed out that in the event the College should wish to erect any structure on
the Brompton property, this sanitary sewer would prove an advantage.

A copy of the proposed agreement granting the easements in question prepared by the City,
together with plats showing the route of the proposed sewer, and the easements to be granted
was exhibited to the Board. The Chancellor reported that the agreement in question had been
approved as to form by the University's special counsel.

After consideration, upon motion duly made and seconded it was,

RESOLVED, by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that, on the recommendation of the Chancellor of Mary Washington College, and approved by the
President of the University of Virginia, the grant to the City of Fredericksburg of two
easements to construct a sanitary sewer on the Brompton property of Mary Washington College,
more fully described in the Agreement submitted to this meeting and on the plats attached
thereto, be and the same is, hereby approved and authorized.

RESOLVED, Further, the Agreement having received the approval of the University's special
counsel as to form, that the President be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed
to execute said agreement in the name and on behalf of The Rector and Visitors of the University
of Virginia, and that the Secretary be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to
affix the corporate seal of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia thereto, and
to attest the same.