University of Virginia Library

The Fire Department.

OUR people are justly proud
of Charlottesville's fire fighters
and well they should be for
there are but few towns the
size of this who have a better or more
up-to-date fire department. It has
long held a record for alertness, activity
and readiness.

Its worthy achievements have been
many and for the "boys" too much


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praise cannot be given. Its members
have ever been found ready and wiling
at any hour of the day or night,
rain or shine, frost or snow to risk
their lives and health when duty called


them. The Charlottesville fire department
is a volunteer one, only two
men in it are paid, namely W. L.
Payne the house foreman, whe drives
the steamer and acts as its engineer and
Wilber Thomas, driver of the hook
and ladder truck. The officers of the
department are T. J. Williams, chief,
J. E. Kelly 1st Warden, H. E. Hall,
2nd Warden, J. C, Clarity 3rd Warden,
D. W. Fowler, Commander; E. A.
Balz, Secretary; James Bryant, Treasurer;
Dr. C. W. Poindexter, Fire
Marshall. The department was reorganized
July 28, 1885. All the
officers are elected in August of each
year and hold office for one year, or
until then successors are elected. In
August 1905 the fine new engine
(No. 1) was added, and was a great
improvement, for prior to that the only
water power to be had was from the
hydrants. The organization are members
of the Virginia State Firemans
Association. The active members are:
E. A. Balz, J. M. Cochran, G. W.
Chrisman, Archie Dabney, P. M.
Fitch, E. V. Higginbotham, A. Haden,
W. A. Irving, Rives Jones, J. L.
Morrow, A. L. Marshall, John McLeod,
C. C. Payne, P. F. Payne, F.
Payne, A. D. Payne, J. V. Perley, J.
F. Philips, Eldridge Turner, W. H.
Watson, J. C. Matthews, Chas. King,
H. Eddins. Within a few months
the department will be in their handsome
new headquarters on Vinegar
Hill. It will be one of the best
equipped and most up-to-date of its
kind in the Old Dominion.