University of Virginia Library



The Student Council is a responsible student governing body. However,
by its constitution, it has no connection with or authority over The
CAVALIER DAILY. This separation is designed to make sure that The
CAVALIER DAILY would never be used as a political organ in the election
of members of the Student Council. This committee feels that such
separation is sound and should be continued

B We believe that the existence of a paper such as The CAVALIER DAILY is
indispensable to the University, and we find that such a paper cannot exist independently
of a subsidy from the University. We, therefore, recommend that the
present student fees be continued

C While the separation of the Student Council and The CAVALIER DAILY is
salutary, this action has left The CAVALIER DAILY as an institution with a guaranteed
income and with no responsibility to any group at the University. We feel that this
situation should be remedied. We, therefore, propose that the vice presidents of the
several schools of the University shall compose the Board of Directors of the
CAVALIER DAILY. That this Board of Directors shall meet at least once each month
during the school year, and shall have general supervision of The CAVALIER DAILY,
with authority

a To reject or confirm the selection of the Editor, Managing Editor and Business
Manager who shall be recommended by the whole staff of The CAVALIER DAILY, with
power to remove any or all of these three officers of The CAVALIER DAILY for

b To generally oversee the physical management of The CAVALIER DAILY by its
Business Manager and Editor-In-Chief

c To receive from The CAVALIER DAILY requests for its necessary operating funds
and to review and approve or disapprove all such requests for financial support
before these requests are presented to The Student Activities Committee for final
consideration and action

d To review and to approve or disapprove and, when desirable, to modify the overall
editorial and news reporting policies

e To arrange the time of the election of the officers of The CAVALIER DAILY so as
to promote the greatest continuity of personnel possible