University of Virginia Library


Mr. Coxe, Chairman of the special Committee on Change of Title of the Administrator of Mary
Washington College, read to the Board the following proposed addition to the resolution adopted at
the meeting of 10 June 1955 relative to the change of title of the chief administrative officer of
the College resident in Fredericksburg

BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, That Section 23-76 of the Code of Virginia be amended and re-enacted
to read as follows (the changed wording being underlined):

"The board shall be charged with the care and preservation of all property belonging to
the University. They shall appoint a president, with such duties as may be prescribed
by the board, and who shall have supreme administrative direction under the authority of
the board over all the schools, colleges and branches of the University wherever located,

and they shall appoint as many professors as they deem proper, and, with the assent of
two-thirds of the whole number of visitors, may remove such president or any professor.
They may prescribe the duties of each professor, and the course and mode of instruction.
They may appoint a bursar and proctor, and employ any other agents or servants, regulate the
government and discipline of the students, and the renting of the rooms and dormitories,
and, generally, in respect to the government and management of the University, make such
regulations as they may deem expedient, not being contrary to law. To enable the proctor
and visitors of the University to procure a supply of water, and to construct and maintain
a system of water-works, drainage, and sewerage for the University they shall have power
and authority to acquire such springs, lands and rights of way as may be necessary, according
to the provisions of Title 25."

On motion of Mr. Coxe, duly seconded, the Board resolved that the foregoing addition to the
resolution of 10 June 1955 be approved

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On motion the meeting was then adjourned.

Barron F. Black
Francis L. Berkeley