University of Virginia Library


The faculty is having regular monthly meetings and its Committee on Academic Standards and
Legislation has carried on a number of studies, the results of which were reported back to
the faculty with recommendations for action.

It is significant that of the eighty-seven faculty members there remain only six who were
members of the State Teachers' College faculty of 1928. These six are considered among the
most valuable and loyal of the entire teaching staff and are still rendering invaluable service
to the College. Of the faculty members listed in the current catalogue, 74% have been
at Mary Washington for ten years or less.

During the four year period faculty salaries were increased three times. The first increase
was made for the session 1945-46 in accordance with the so-called "Tuck Formula," paid, however,
from college funds. The other two general increases were by action of the Board. There
have, of course, been individual merit increases.

The Committee is of the opinion that as to training and experience this whole group represents
a faculty of college calibre in the true sense. The President and Dean of the College
commend the faculty also for competence in teaching and for loyalty.