Board of Visitors minutes April 11, 1996 | ||
RESOLVED that these definitions of terms are intended to provide clarification of the student activity fee fund guidelines. In those cases where further clarification is needed, Student Council and, if necessary, the Student Activities Committee will interpret the guidelines based on the facts presented and the Board of Visitors intent for the student activity fee.
Ability to Perform - A student organization may restrict membership based on ability to perform the activities related to the organization's purpose. For example, a student publication may make requirements based on writing skills. A club sport may restrict membership where selection is based on competitive skill or the activity involved is a contact sport thus resulting in a team of one or predominately one gender. Likewise, a choral group may restrict membership based on vocal range or quality which may also result in a chorus or choruses of one or predominantly one gender.
Co-curricular Organization - A group which provides opportunities outside the classroom setting for students to apply classroom theory and/or to acquire knowledge, experience and/or skills.
Cultural Organization - An organization which is primarily concerned with studying, promoting, and/or expressing racial, ethnic, or affinity group traditions, social forms, art, and/or tastes.
Hobby Organization - A group which primarily pursues an activity for relaxation, recreation, or entertainment.
Political Activity - An activity related to: (1) lobbying the principal purpose of which is to influence the passage or defeat of specific legislation; and/or (2) electioneering which encompasses participation or intervention in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. These restrictions on funding political activities are not intended to preclude funding of any otherwise eligible student organization which: (1) advocates, as an incidental or insubstantial parts of its activities, the adoption or rejection of legislation; (2) engages in nonpartisan analysis, study, or research, and makes the results available to the public; or (3) espouses particular positions or ideological viewpoints, including those that may be unpopular or are not generally accepted.
Political Organization - An organization primarily involved with influencing legislation, the administration of governmental policy, and/or the election of candidates for public office.
Religious Activity - An activity which primarily promotes or manifests a particular belief(s) in or about a deity or an ultimate reality.
Religious Organization - An organization whose purpose is to practice a devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity.
Student Activities Committee - The University faculty/student committee charged by the Vice President for Student Affairs to provide oversight to the student activity fee fund and its allocation by Student Council.
Special Status Student Organizations - Student organizations which have University delegated functions to perform are termed special status. These groups which include but are not limited to Student Council, school councils, Bayly Docents, University Guides, and University Singers have a University department or a school responsible for each group relative to the delegated functions.
Student Council is a Special Status Student Organization charged by the Board of Visitors. The other Special Status Student Organizations receive their charge from a University department or school. Because of this relationship to a school or department and the concomitant funding available to the group, Special Status Student Organizations not charged by the Board of Visitors are ineligible for student activity fee fund allocations.
Student Organizations Eligible for Funding - Contracted Independent Organizations which have been Student Council qualified and comply with the Student Council appropriations process guidelines as well as the Board of Visitors Student Activity Fee Guidelines, plus Special Status Student Organizations charged by the Board of Visitors are eligible for student activity fee funding. Currently, Student Council is a Special Status Student Organization eligible for funding.
Fall Semester, 1995
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Local Address
I object to the Student Activity Fee funding of the following speech activity(ies):
For this reason, I am requesting a refund of $3.50 of my Student Activity Fee payment in the form of a credit to my University account.
(Sample Fall 1995 Announcement
A student who objects to the use of his or her Student Activities Fee payment to support particular speech activities may obtain a refund of $3.50 of that payment. The refund will be in the form of a credit to the student's University account. The request for a refund must be made in person by the student seeking the refund, by presenting his or her valid student identification card and a completed refund request form to the Student Activities Business Manager's Office in the Office of the Dean of Students, Peabody Hall, no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 28, 1995.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing amendments to the Guidelines for Student Activities Current Fund Allocation shall apply to all student organization funding requests that are pending on, or made after, April 12, 1996.
On motion, the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Board of Visitors minutes April 11, 1996 | ||