University of Virginia Library


Chapter 46. An Act providing for a New Board of Visitors for
the University of Virginia, approved April 14, 1882.

"1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the
board of visitors of the University of Virginia shall consist of nine
members. The term of office of said visitors shall be for four years,
commencing the first day of May, 1882.

2. That the offices of all the visitors of the University of
Virginia be and the same are hereby declared vacant.

3. That the governor, by and with the consent of the Senate,
shall, immediately upon the passage of this act, appoint a new
board of visitors for the University of Virginia; three of whom
shall be selected from the division of the State in which the institution
is situated, and two from each of the other grand divisions
of the state. If a vacancy happen in the office of a visitor, the
senate not being in session, the governor shall fill the same for the
unexpired term.

4. The said board of visitors shall meet at the University at
least once a year, and at such times as they shall determine; the
days of meeting to be fixed by the board. Special meetings may
be called by the rector or any three members of the board. Notice
of the time of meeting shall be given by the Secretary to every


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member of the board. Five members shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business.

5. Sections two and five of Chapter 80 of the Code of 1873,
and all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act, are hereby

6. This act shall be in force from its passage." Acts 1881-2,
p. 370.

Chapter 194. An Act to preserve the endowments of the colleges
and other literary institutions of this state, where they are held
in the obligations of the state. Approved March 3, 1882.

"Whereas it is the duty of this state to cherish and maintain, in
all proper ways, the institutions within her borders, having for their
object the education of her people.

1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the
second auditor is hereby authorized and directed to draw upon the
public treasury, in favor of the proper authorities of any incorporated
college or other institution or seminary of learning, academies or
manual labor school in this state, or the trustees who may hold
obligations of this state for any such college, or other institution
or seminary of learning, academies, or manual labor school, or any
department thereof, for all interest which has accrued, or which
may hereafter accrue, and as the same may fall due, upon all
obligations of the commonwealth, or of the James River and
Kamawha Company guaranteed by the commonwealth, held by
or for such college or other institution or seminary of learning,
academies, or manual labor school, or to which they may have been
entitled on the first day of January, 1882, so long as they may
continue to hold the same: provided no interest shall be paid upon
any bonds, the payment of which is forbidden by the constitution.

2. The provision of this act shall apply to the obligations of
the state known as the Dawson fund, held by the literary fund in
trust for educational purposes; and also to the dividends on the
stock of the old James river company, due and payable, or which
may hereafter become due and payable by the commonwealth to
such college or other institution or seminary of learning, and held
as set forth in the first section.

3. This act shall be in force from its passage." Acts 1881-2,
p. 203.