University of Virginia Library

III. Courses.

  • 1.

    Academic Subjects  3 to 4 session hours 


    (a)  English—S41, S42, or SA1 1 session hour 
    (b)  History—SB3I, or SB3II, or SB3III  1 session hour 

    Elect one or two session hours:

    (c)  English (any college course in English)  1 session hour 
    (d)  History (any college course in History)  1 session hour 
    (e)  Science (any college course in Science)  1 session hour 
  • 2.

    General Education  2 to 3 session hours 


    (a)  Educational Psychology—Education
    SB2II or S33 or S34, or S40 
    1 session hour 
    (b)  School Management—Education SB2I or
    1 session hour 

    Elect One:

    (c)  Education SB5III (Standard Tests in
    Elementary School Subjects) 
    1 session hour 
    (d)  Education SB9I (Elementary School Organization
    and Administration) 
    1 session hour 
    (e)  Education SB9II (Elementary School
    1 session hour 
    (f)  Education SB9III (The Curriculum of
    the Elementary School) 
    1 session hour 
  • 3.

    Health and Physical Education  2 session hours 
    (a)  Education SB 8-I, or SB 8-II (School
    Hygiene and Physical Inspection of
    1 session hour 
    (b)  Physical Education S95 and S92 or
    S93 or S96-I, or S96-II 
    1 session hour 
  • 4.

    Elementary Education  3 to 5 session hours 


    • (a) For Primary Teachers—



      Page 30
      (1)  Education S36 (Methods in Reading
      for Primary Grades), or 
      (2)  Education S32 (Child Literature), or 
      (3)  Education S38 (Methods in Language
      and Spelling—Primary Grades 
      2 session hours 
    • (b) For Grammar Grade Teachers—

      (1)  Education S37 (Methods in Reading
      for Elementary Grades), or 
      (2)  Education S43 (Methods in Language
      and Spelling), or 
      (3)  Education S44 (Reading and Literature)  2 session hours 

      Elect one or two session hours:

    • (1) Education S31 (Nature Study and
      Home Geography),

    • (2) Education S45 (The Teaching of

    • (3) Education S41 (Kindergarten Methods),

    • (4) Education S42 (Methods in Civics
      and History).

  • 5.

    Applied Arts  2 session hours 
    • (a) For Primary Teachers—

      • (1) Music,

      • (2) Manual Training,

      • (3) Drawing (Industrial and Fine Arts),

      • (4) Penmanship.

    • (b) For Grammar Grade Teachers—

      • (1) Music,

      • (2) Manual Arts,

      • (3) Drawing (Industrial and Fine Arts),

      • (4) Penmanship.